■ 第38回 EBP & KT 論文シェア会
日時:2022/7/16(土) 10:00~11:30
参加ご希望の方は、前日7/15(金) 12:00までに下記内容をメールにてご連絡ください.折り返し、ウェブの参加方法をご案内します.
- 件名:7月シェア会参加希望
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- Mitha, S., Schwartz, J., Cato, K., Woo, K., Smaldone, A., & Topaz, M. (2021). Natural Language Processing of Nursing Notes: A Systematic Review. Studies in health technology and informatics, 284, 62–64. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI210666
- Sapri, N. D., Ng, Y. T., Wu, V. X., & Klainin-Yobas, P. (2022). Effectiveness of educational interventions on evidence-based practice for nurses in clinical settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurse education today, 111, 105295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105295
- Cleary-Holdforth, J., O'Mathúna, D., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2021). Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation, and Organizational Culture and Readiness for EBP Among Nurses, Midwives, Educators, and Students in the Republic of Ireland. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 18(6), 379–388. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12543